Author Topic: SQMDroid for SQM-LU  (Read 10460 times)


  • Anthony Tekatch
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SQMDroid for SQM-LU
« on: August 04, 2018, 09:55:10 pm »
Thomas Hänel has written SQMDroid, an Android OS program that reads data from the SQM-LU meter. Thomas and his father Andreas presented SQMDroid and their findings at ALAN 2016 in Cluj, PDF here

The mobile Android device must be OTG (On The Go) compatible, and have an (well calibrated) orientation sensor to be used in the vector or NixNox mode.

The software is as-is, and it must be installed separately (not Google Play store), apk here.

SQMDroid has been used quite often with different Android smartphones, tablets (mainly Samsung) without problems.