Author Topic: Reports from Spain  (Read 16478 times)


  • Anthony Tekatch
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Reports from Spain
« on: March 19, 2015, 11:29:10 pm »
You may be interested in these reports from Spain. Thanks to Jaime Zamorano for these:

Zamorano, Jaime y Muñoz Marín, Víctor Manuel (2010)
Calibration of SQM-L photometers for the NixNox project. [ LICA report; nº #01]

Zamorano, Jaime & Ruiz Carmona, Roque (2013)
Sky Quality Meter cross-calibration for the NixNox project. [ LICA report; nº #03]

Nievas Rosillo, Miguel & Zamorano, Jaime (2014)
*PySQM the UCM open source software to read, plot and store data from SQM photometers*

Zamorano, Jaime, Sánchez de Miguel, Alejandro, Martínez Delgado, David & Alfaro Navarro, Emilio (2011) Proyecto NixNox disfrutando de los cielos estrellados de España. Astronomía (142). pp. 36-42. ISSN 1699-7751

Zamorano, Jaime, Sánchez de Miguel, Alejandro, Nievas Rosillo, Miguel & Tapia Ayuga, Carlos (2014) NixNox procedure to build Night Sky Brightness maps from SQM photometers observations.

A night sky brightness network with data obtained with fixed SQM photometers of the Spanish Light Pollution Research Network.