Author Topic: Easy way to store SQM-L observations with GLOBE at Night  (Read 18658 times)


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Easy way to store SQM-L observations with GLOBE at Night
« on: November 28, 2014, 01:13:02 pm »
I just wanted to let everyone know that there's now an even easier way to add your SQM-L observations to the GLOBE at Night database.

If you have an Android or iOS device, you can download the free Loss of the Night app, and use it to submit your data.


If you are doing a moving survey with locations less than five minutes apart, it would be safest to quit the application and restart it in order to make sure that the GPS position is updated for each location.

After your survey is completed, you can download your data from GLOBE at Night here:

(choose the region you're interested in, make the map, and click "download CSV" in the bottom left)

If you are in a light polluted area, we'd also really appreciate if you'd try out using the app to do a visual observation of the naked eye limiting magnitude. Paired data with both a NELM and SQM observation are incredibly valuable to us!

We want to use handheld SQM-L and naked eye observations to understand how skyglow is changing worldwide. Here's an open access data in which we show how useful this data is:

Christopher Kyba

Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
« Last Edit: November 28, 2014, 01:15:31 pm by kyba »