Author Topic: Announcement: brief history of participatory night sky monitoring from Italy  (Read 14074 times)


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Dear all,

1) I am very glad to learn about this new forum on the same day that I started to write a series of posts on my blog, under the title of " brief history of participatory night sky monitoring from Italy".

2) the posts will be available in Italian and English, and here is a preface: (ENGLISH) (ITALIAN)

3) I hope this will be of interest to forum readers, as a minimum as a quite composit case history of Unihedron products, even though -based on feedback we had in the past, I am quit sure some of you will appreciate more than just the sensor technology side of the story proposed in the blog.

thank you for your attention, and regards

Andrea Giacomelli (aka pibinko)

DISCLAIMER: the blogs posts on the "brief history of participatory night sky monitoring from Italy" are freely inspired from the BuioMetria Partecipativa project (, of which I am one of the creators.
However the BSDBPM blog posts will not represent an official position of the project...while this is evolving steadily, I saw the value of also providing a more personal view on some of the episodes we have been living and working through. Please refer to or to for the BuioMetria Partecipativa project itself.